Ansco Panda Camera

4"x6" oil on masonite panel. This cool looking little box camera was made during the fifties and was, I believe, considered a kids camera. I just thought it looked cool, so I painted it. Yes, my artistic vision is just that simple. Taking the strap off would have been problematic, so it stayed in the piece.    Spruced up my website a bit. Go take a look at it:

Posted February 5, 2013
sold • private collection tarzana, ca


  1. What's cool is your jazzy background of purples and reds and dancing brush strokes and how you were able to make all those colors on the camera translate to "black". I wish I had your impeccable drawing skills.

    Thank you for your entertaining commentary. I still need to look and read through your entire blog. I hope you talk about your process one day. - Lisa

    1. Thank you for your comment, Lisa. I guess I should talk more process at some point, but by the time I take the photo and post, I am usually done with it in my mind and/or so extremely ticked off at my evil camera, that I just don't think about it. —Raymond/3


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