Tootsie Roll (The Larger)

16"x24" oil on canvas. The official Library of Congress catalogue designation for this painting is "A Tootsie Roll that is as big as your head if not larger." You may recognize this because I painted a little 4x6 version of this earlier and no, this is not the same Tootsie Roll. Tootsie Rolls do not last very long around here.
Posted June 20, 2012

sold • private collection north hollywood, ca


  1. I love anything with that sort of designation. Pliny the elder. Ajax the lesser. Dumas fils (ou pere). By extension, I love this painting... which I would anyway because it's gorgeous. And huge.

  2. Sweet! (pun intended) Lovely form, and iconic in its size.

  3. I love the mutlicolored effects on your work. It's very expressive and wonderful. Your still lives are very realistic and enchanting. Very stunning work.


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