Lifeguard Station at Morro Bay

4"x6" oil on board. This lifeguard station is on the beach north of Morro Bay Rock. I think it is called Morro Bay Beach, but I could be wrong. This structure caught my eye, so here it is. This view is loo
king north, up the beach towards Cayucos. No, I did not sneeze, the town's name is really Cayucos. I think the name actually means kayak or canoe. This might be the first painting I have done of a beach. It may not appear so, but the struggle with this was the values – they mustn't become too extreme or the whole thing gets messed up. Beautiful Cayucos must appear to be off in the distance, value helps achieve that effect. That plus scale, hue, temperature, etc.
Posted September 11, 2009
private collection san gabriel, ca
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