Jiichan's Mamiya

6"x4" oil on panel ••• (As promised, here is the second piece from my email twofer.) My painting ideas tend to not verbalize well. When I try to explain an idea I have in my head for a painting, it is often met with a look of "Why would you want to do that?" or the ever popular "Are you sure?" stare. Imagine me pitching the idea for the painting I sent you a few weeks ago: "Hey, Honey. I want to do a five foot wide painting of a toy space gun!" Even if I tack on a boyish "How cool is that?!?!" the idea flies like a dead mallard. (I know verbalize is not the best way to put it, but it is the term I use.) Even the idea of doing a painting of a violin fell flat. So, I acquired one and made The Spawn give it to me for Father's Day. (Yes, I am a bad dad. It is a documented fact.) And the looks I got when I said, "I want to paint a scuzzy alley in Chinatown." I guess I could have dropped the "scuzzy," but the alleys in Chinatown are scuzzy, so why hide it? My ideas get no respect. Even my own mother gives me the "Are you insane?" look sometimes. She will even chime in with a "Who is going to buy a painting of an old pencil sharpener? The colors won't match anybody's sofa!" In the end, I can deal with the odd "Are you insane?" look, but when The Mother Unit re-gifted me one of my own paintings, that was a bit much. Actually, she did have a point. It didn't really match her bedspread.

Posted September 25, 2019

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