Mickey Mouse Projector
46"x46" oil on canvas ••• It took me a while to obtain one of these Mickey Mouse projectors. (And yes, I procured it legally.) When you look at this great little projector you would think that I jumped right in and painted this piece. Actually, it took quite some time before I felt that I was ready to paint it. • I may not neatly fit into the made-up stereotypical overly sensitive dissociated moody artist mold, except in this one aspect: If I don't feel like painting something, I don't paint it. • By the way, my being a surly curmudgeon has nothing to do with me being an artist. • Over the course of at least a year, I would pull this toy out, place it on our dining room table and just stare at it. Late one night while I was in one of my trances looking at it, I sensed somebody watching me. It was my father-in-law who was staying with us at the time. I really like my father-in-law. He is a quiet man who only talks when it is necessary or he knows it will be funny. I respect and admire a human who can practice such restraint. Few people can. Anyway, he just stood there looking at me, not saying a word. Lord knows what he was thinking, but one thing I do know: He did not think I was going nuts. How do I know this? Well, I am pretty sure he knew I was already crazy before I married his daughter.
Posted July 15, 2019
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