Keystone E-38 16mm Projector

20"x16" oil on canvas (5 DETAIL SHOTS BELOW) As it is with cameras, so it is becoming with old movie projectors—I have too many of them. I do not know how it happened. One day I have none and the next... BAM! I have eight. Just like that. Unless there is an Old Movie Projector Fairy sticking these under my pillow (and how uncomfortable would that be?), I cannot explain it. When I have an upcoming show, and there is sufficient lead time, I try to paint pieces specifically for that show. This piece is one of many that I painted for my current show at Art in the Arthouse in the Laemmle Theatre in Glendale. You see the connection? Theater... Projector... Well, it's the best I could come up with. My show is entitled "Carving in Paint." It is a good representation of my work, consisting of 15 of my pieces. We have not had my opening reception yet (I will keep you posted), but the show is up and viewable. You do not need to see a movie to see my work, just walk in and ask to see the art and they will let you. If you see a movie, you will get to see the trailer I made for the show. It runs before every movie shown at that facility. (Do not worry, I made sure to omit my face from the video.) If you get a chance, and you just so happen to be in Glendale, California, go check out my show!

P.S. In the detail shots below, I included a process shot that illustrates the manner in which I draw/knock-in when I do smaller pieces.

Posted October 24, 2018

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