The 101 Coffee Shop

24"x16" oil on canvas (Inset: 6"x4") Inspiration can be an unpredictable muse. For instance, the inspiration for this piece comes from some great salmon hash. And not just any hash, I am talking about the benevolently favored breakfast of The Spousal Unit whenever we eat at The 101 Coffee Shop. And, to be honest, this lowly peasant likes it too. The thing is, whenever She eats there, they always have it and whenever I dare to eat there without Her, they always seem to run out of it. It's like they see me coming and say, "She's na with 'em, so say weez out o' the hash. Argh. And lets his joe go cold. Double argh!" (They do not actually employ pirates there—or maybe they do, I don't really know—I just like the nefarious sound of it.) All pirate jargon aside, I will admit that the actual coffee shop does not look like much of an enthusiastic (or cooperative) subject for a painting. At the time, I was actually thinking of painting the facade of the Frolic Room, which is only a few blocks away down by the Pantages. That bar has a great sign and Kevin Spacey got good and sauced there in L.A. Confidential—what's not to like. Well, it just didn't click with me (at least not yet). So, I went with the salmon hash.


Cityscape Show VII at the George Billis Gallery
The above piece sold at the show, but I still have six pieces in the show, including my 6"x4" version of The 101 Coffee Shop (inset shown above). It is a great show and it is up until August 19th, so go check it out!
George Billis Gallery / LA
2716 S. La Cienega Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90034 
310.838.3685 /
Posted July 27, 2017 

sold • private collection los angeles, ca


  1. Did you ever get around to painting The Frolic Room? I just checked it out on Google images. That would make a great Raymond Logan piece. Enjoy the salmon hash my friend.

    1. Hey, Cleve. Nope, still haven't painted it. I have like a gazillion pix of it from different times of day, different times of the year, etc. and I still haven't done a painting of it. Almost got killed standing out in the middle of Hollywood Blvd to get good shots and still not painting.
