16"x24" oil on canvas ••• Whenever you see one of my still life paintings, rest assured, the
subject(s) was in front of me. (Yes, there is a storage issue there, but
I would rather not talk about.) Anyway, I either own the items or
someone has loaned them to me or The Spousal Unit has murdered them
(e.g., flowers) or I have obtained them through some other legal means. •
When it comes to my structures-in-the-landscape paintings, it would be
somewhat difficult getting a ranch house into the studio. That means a
lot of photos. And I mean a lot. Sometimes I get the scrap I need right
out of the chute, sometimes it takes over a year of experimentation
until I get the shots that will serve my purposes. Sometimes,
regrettably, I never get the shots I need. •
This lonely ranch house required a ton of photos shot on different
days, at different angles, and at different times of the day. On one of
those trespassorial excursions, somehow, I know not how, a ranch hand
crept up behind me and scared the bejesus out of me. He was the spittin'
image of Sam Elliott—sans the mustache—with amazingly tanned skin that
you could have made a saddle out of. Being a wise soul, he immediately
viewed me with suspicion and obviously did not care for me much. I was,
after all, trespassing and I did look like a dork out in the middle of
an open field dancing (shoot picture, take three crab steps to the left
or right, take picture—repeat a couple a thousand times). But after we
talked for a while, I think he took pity on the "dork who can't dance"
(or did he say "dork with no rhythm?") and gave me the locations of a
couple other old ranch houses in the area. One I found, the other I am
still searching for—he wasn't big on road names or even county names for
that matter. Still, I appreciated his help and his not whacking me in
the head with a shovel. • As a sage
once said, "There aren't many problems that can't be solved with a
shotgun and a shovel," and a dork dancing like a spastic crab in the
middle of your field might just qualify as one of those easily solved
problems. Or, at least, be so annoying that you would consider it a
humane act putting a stop to it.
Posted June 3, 2016
sold • private collection valley village, ca
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