Enduro Dixon No. 20 Pencil Sharpener (The Larger)

24"x36" oil on canvas This is the larger version of an 8"x12" painting I did earlier. Just because a piece looks good small does not guarantee it will be a success at a larger scale, but I think this one worked out rather well. Both paintings sold, and while that does not prove that they are good pieces of art, it mysteriously makes me happy. Funny how that works. (With my messed up priorities, I will probably just blow the money on cookies.) Representing small items at such a grand scale is a fun challenge for me. While it was enlarged a lot for the 8x12, it was dramatically enlarged for the above piece. As a matter of fact, I think the actual pencil sharpener would fit nicely under the horizon line of the painting—down below my signature.

Report on the Beverly Hills Art Show
I survived. Sometimes that seems like the main point, but let me elaborate anyway. The show last weekend was probably the best Beverly Hills Art Show I have had. The weather was great and many friends came by to visit. A big "Thank You" to all of you who brought me cookies. I guess that means people actually read my posts. Sales were brisk and plentiful and that makes me happy (see the money "...mysteriously makes me happy..." comment above). The Spousal Unit was not able to be there for a few hours Saturday and, wisely, not trusting me in public without adult supervision, actually asked a friend to babysit me. The friend was unable to sit in and hold the leash, but the Park Rangers happily agreed to keep an eye on me and apply their Tasers whenever needed. They do that anyway, so She didn't even need to ask, it just added a nice layer of legitimacy to their Taser usage (on me). What else? Oh yeah, I received Honorable Mention in the painting category. The ribbon is a wonderfully garish chartreuse and, while scaring the bladders of small dogs, it did garner much attention from humans. Life goes on, so on to the next artistic challenge and maybe finally addressing my eBay addiction. (Don't count on that last part.)

Posted October 23, 2014

sold • private collection beverly hills, ca

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