The Verdigris Apts

24"x16" oil on deep canvas This is the first in a series of three apartments I painted. It took quite a long time to research this project; we went out a lot shooting photographs. I say "we" because I learned early on that I cannot simultaneously drive and look for things to paint. I was/am an unholy terror, risking the lives of all peace loving citizens where ever I found myself driving down the street/sidewalk taking pictures. Seeing my car approach was kind of like seeing a psychotic, completely confused hurricane coming down the street at you. A hurricane that, by the way, might slam itself into reverse. No. The only adult present—that would be The Spousal Unit—banned me from the practice. With her mature guidance and up-to-date drivers license, we photographed approximately 30 of these buildings in just one morning—her driving with me jumping out taking pictures. (In the morning we shoot east facing buildings. West facing get shot in the afternoon. It's all about the light.) I still had a hard time with the concept that the car had to stop before I jumped out (it's called "tuck 'n' roll"), but I must admit that we make a great, and now safe, team. It has been hard accepting that I need adult supervision (pretty much all the time), but this artist and a lot of innocent parkway trees would be dead without the guiding hand of that goddess. So... She drives. If you would like to see this piece in person, it and its two cohorts are hanging, until Saturday, at the George Billis Gallery in Culver City (see info below). Check them out.
Posted August 20, 2014

sold • private collection beverly hills, ca

The Cityscape Show IV
Show Dates: July 12th to August 23rd

Summer Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
George Billis Gallery
2716 S. La Cienega Boulevard / Los Angeles, CA 90034
310.838.3685 /

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