Beacon Two-Twenty Five Camera

4"x6" oil on raymar panel This camera really ticked me off. It was supposed to be kind of a small(ish) camera purchased on eBay. Turns out, that in person, this camera is much bigger than I thought it was going to be. I should not be surprised, being the seasoned eBay addict that I am, I should have known that things are not always what they seem in the digital realm. What looks like two inches can be a foot and what looks like a foot can be two inches. It should be mandatory that in every eBay picture there must be a quarter or a penny next to the item for scale. I don't care what the item is—Selling a Buick, put a quarter next to it! Wandered off there, sorry. Whatever its size, I still think this is a great looking camera and, as you may know, I have always been attracted to cameras that have gray(ish) front panels. Gray is just so much fun to paint, it is hard to resist. So, I bought the dang camera and it's bigger than I thought, well just boohoo me. Yep, already moved on to other nefarious subject matter.
Posted July 15, 2014

sold • private collection marin, ca


  1. As much as I enjoy your paintings, I more so enjoy your blog posts that accompany them.
    "selling a Buick, put a quarter next to it" and "well just boohoo me" it.
